Below please find the amazing people God is leading me to from all across this wonderful world. In this time we are all meant to enjoy each others' company and to genuinely love every person. This is a means of introducing to you all those He loves, and I love...

Mauricette Ribaud, Paris, France
I call her Mauri! She is a florist by occupation and a lover of life. Mauri, while being a Catholic is non-practicing - even though she believes fervently in God. Mauri speaks 3 languages fluently, French, German and Dutch and she uses Google Translate to communicate with me in English at this point!

Lily Xu, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Lily is a relative newcomer to the USA. She has been in LA for 1.5 years, coming over from her native Seoul, Korea. Lily is a 35 year old costume designer for private customers and loves to enjoy life in all ways, enjoying working out, is a novice golfer and loves to frequent the numerous wonderful beaches around her home. She considers herself half-Christian as her Mum is a Christian! LOL!

Sandra Andre, Ormstown, QC, Canada
Sandy is a 29 year old amazing lady from near my hometown of Montreal. She works in a restaurant (Casa Venezia) in her hometown of Ormstown and is passionate about a great many areas of life, being true to herself and her convictions. She is a lady with deep Christian values and a desire to live out a truly great life in every way possible.

Anju Biswas, Jessore, Khulna, Bangladesh
Anju is a very spiritual young lady whose primary goal in life is to build a church in her very poor country of Bangaladesh. She is 33 years old and both her parents have died, leaving her and her younger brother Emon to fend for themselves in the world. Anju has great hope for the world to come and to seeing God transform her home country into the Paradise he promised.

Lola Carr, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

Ella Bruce, Sydney, Australia

Cleria Victoria Pigliapoco, Rome, Italy

Lisa Albert, New Orleans, LA, USA

August Laines, Toronto, ON, Canada
August is a 30 year old lady hailing from Toronto, Ontario. She is into art and doing caricatures and has a love for working out, travelling and listening to music. She also has a passion for creating video shorts - which you can see on her Facebook Page.