Journey to Eden - Co-Creating Heaven on Earth
A compelling video game - on the horizon!
The Descent of New Jerusalem by Patricia Wagner
Journey to Eden - Co-Creating Heaven on Earth
Take control of your life and the destiny of all people's lives as you successively navigate all the negative attributes of this world ultimately 'winning' the game and delivering Heaven on Earth to all of mankind - for eternity!

This project is undertaken by G3.  Project Management Team includes the following:
  • Surya Kotcharlakota - Project Lead
  • Roberto Mourao - Animation and 3D Design
  • Dr. Brent Brooks - AI Consultant
  • Douglas Dayton - Programming Consultant
  • Joe Tavares - Graphic Design
  • Martin Rutte - Heaven on Earth Consultant
  • Ross Harvey - Overall Project Management
The Major Sufferings in the World Today
From Martin Rutte's book:  Project Heaven on Earth:  The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world...easily!
Journey to Eden - Storyline.pdf Journey to Eden - Storyline.pdf
Size : 33.079 Kb
Type : pdf
Ending the World's Suffering.pdf Ending the World's Suffering.pdf
Size : 40.975 Kb
Type : pdf